Covid Pandemic: Web Based Information Services in College Library


  • Rajni Jindal Librarian, Vivekananda College, University of Delhi, Jhilmil Colony, Delhi, 110095, India



Covid, Pandemic, Information services, Web based information services, Librarians, Social media, College library


The purpose of the study was to examine the various innovative web based information services, also known as  online information services rendered by Vivekananda College library in support of online teaching-learning during  Covid lockdown period. The spread of Covid pandemic has led to change in the nature of teaching and learning and  libraries also needed to change services provision to their academic community. The college library being a part of  academic institution needs to cater its community in online teaching and learning during covid lockdown. The  Vivekananda College Library also did provide web based information services. Various web 2.0 tools were used by  the library and access to digital was facilitated in different formats. This paper also studies the satisfaction of its  patrons. The case study revealed that 91% of the surveyed faculty was satisfied with the services. 


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How to Cite

Covid Pandemic: Web Based Information Services in College Library. (2022). Library Progress (International), 42(2), 275-284.