The Psychological Effect of the Librarians' Uniform Color on Occupational Engagement


  • Asefeh Asemi Ph.D. Faculty Member & Researcher at Institute of Data Analytics and Information Systems,
  • Fatemeh Tavakoli Faculty of Education and Psychology, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran.
  • Narjes Houshangi Department of Occupational therapy, Arak University of Medical Science, Iran



A Job Engagement, Color Psychology, Public Library, Occupational Engagement, Libraria


Introduction: Colors may have effects on our life and each color is a source of energy based on its chemical and  psychological character. Color is one criterion of personality and health evaluation in modern psychology because  any color influences a person’s mental and physical. Purpose: The research aimed to investigate the psychological effect of librarians’ uniforms in public libraries on  their occupational engagement. Methodology: The quasi-experimental is applied with Pre-test, Post-test, control group, and experimental group.  A statistical population was the library staff at "Iran Public Library Foundation, Isfahan". The sample was  randomly selected and assigned to two exam groups experimental group (N=15) and the control group (N=15).  Research tools consisted of Utrecht Work Engagement Questionnaire. Covariance analysis was used in the  inferential analysis of the research hypothesis. The data were analyzed by SPSS version 22.  Findings: The findings have shown that changing the color of the library staff's uniform to yellow and light blue  had an impact on their occupational engagement at a meaningful level with an impact of 37%. Conclusion: This color-changing has a positive effect on their occupational engagement and they have more energy  to meet the library users' information needs. 


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How to Cite

The Psychological Effect of the Librarians’ Uniform Color on Occupational Engagement . (2022). Library Progress (International), 42(2), 242-251.