Information Products and Information Services Marketing in University Libraries in Sri Lanka


  • H K I Sewwandi Lecturer, Department of Library and Information Science, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka
  • S A D H N Suraweera Senior Lecturer, Department of Library and Information Science, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka



Information Marketing, Information Sources, Information Products, Information Services, Barriers, and Challenges


The concept of marketing for non-profit organizations like libraries has been introduced by Kotler and Levy  (Kotler and Levy, 1969). The library is engaged in the production of services rather than goods. Today we live in  an information age and also an era of competition. Most of the libraries have competitors. The library and  information field is undertaking endless evolution and change. Library professionals have understood that  effective services must be based on strategic planning. The ability of the libraries to promote their information  sources and services or to make potential users aware of their products and services can be the way to success.  Today's libraries need knowledge of information marketing to operate their services effectively. This study,  therefore, aims to identify information products and information services marketing in the university libraries  in Sri Lanka. The mixed research methodology has been used as a research methodology for this study while the  case research method has been used as a research strategy. There are three types of case studies exploratory case  studies, Descriptive case study, and explanatory case study. The Exploratory case study method was used for  this study. In this study, the questionnaire method was used to collect the primary data required for this  research (Qualitative data was collected through open-ended questions, and quantitative data was gathered from  the close-ended question). The printed questionnaire, as well as the online questionnaire, which has been created  using a google form, have been distributed among the target group, that is university librarians. The study  sample consisted of 15 state university librarians in Sri Lanka. Data analysis was carried out with SPSS  (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences). This study identified that under the current situation of  information product and services marketing, librarians have appropriate knowledge of information marketing,  However, most libraries do not have a specific information marketing policy. Furthermore, lack of trained  manpower, a lack of public relations skills of university library staff, lack of needs assessment, less attention to  promotion methods, and lack of a clear picture of the library in society are among the major problem in  marketing information products and information services in the university libraries of Sri Lanka. 


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How to Cite

Information Products and Information Services Marketing in University Libraries in Sri Lanka . (2022). Library Progress (International), 42(1), 193-205.