Users’ Satisfaction with the Acquisition of Library Resources in Special Libraries


  • Akanbi Mohammed Lawal Department of Library and Information Science, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria
  • Okonoko Vera Ngozi The Library, University of Delta Agbor, Nigeria
  • Abdrashid Aishat Oluwabukola Department of Library and Information Science, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria



Users satisfaction, Resources, Acquisition, Libraries, Nigeria


The satisfaction of users with the acquisition of library materials in special libraries was explored in this study.  The research was guided by three research questions. A population of 45 librarians and para-professional  employees at Kwara State's special libraries was used in the survey study design. A questionnaire was utilized  to obtain the information. Users' were satisfied with reference materials/services, electronic resources, audio visual materials, special collections, textbooks, and reprographics are among the study's findings. Users were  also dissatisfied with computer for research and Internet services, according to the report. Based on the findings,  the research advised that special libraries in Kwara State buy additional computer equipment and collaborate  with Internet providers to provide effective services, among other things. 


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How to Cite

Users’ Satisfaction with the Acquisition of Library Resources in Special Libraries . (2022). Library Progress (International), 42(1), 184-192.