Use of Social Media for Marketing of LIS Products and Services in Five Provincialised College Libraries in Dhemaji District in Assam: A Study


  • Anjuma Saikia P.hd Research Scholar, Department of Library and Information Science, Mahatma Gandhi Central University, Motihari, Bihar 845401, India.
  • Satakshi Pandey Phd Research Scholar, Department of Library and Information Science, Mahatma Gandhi Central University, Motihari, Bihar 845401, India.
  • Ranjeet Kumar Choudhary Professor & Head, Department of Library and Information Science, Mahatma Gandhi Central University, Motihari, Bihar 845401, India.



Social media, Library Marketing, Social Media, Marketing, Dhemaji district


The aim of this study is to know the use, purpose, importance and problems faced by the librarians’ in marketing  through social media. For this study 5 provincialized college libraries are selected as research sample. The  findings of this paper showed that most of the Librarians use Facebook, twitter, whatsapp, Youtube, LinkedIn etc  for marketing of LIS products and services. Studied libraries use social media for promoting LIS products and  services, for sharing library news and events etc. A structured questionnaire was distributed in the respective  libraries in Dhemaji district. Librarians also provided necessary suggestions and opinions about ways of  enhancing library services through using social media.  


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How to Cite

Use of Social Media for Marketing of LIS Products and Services in Five Provincialised College Libraries in Dhemaji District in Assam: A Study . (2022). Library Progress (International), 42(1), 161-169.