Frequency of Internet Usage in the Library by Undergraduate Students of Library and Information Science (LIS)


  • Janet Ubogu Delta State University library, Abraka, Nigeria
  • Joseph Chukwusa Delta State University library, Abraka, Nigeria.



Internet usage, Frequency of use, Undergraduates- Internet usage, LIS Undergraduates, Internet services


The study focused on the use of Internet services in the library by LIS students in Delta State University,  Abraka. The study employed a descriptive survey research method to determine the frequency of Internet usage.  The data for the research were gathered using questionnaire method. The study's population consisted of all  (100-400 Level) undergraduate students of the Department of LIS in the 2020/2021 academic session. However,  350 questionnaires were distributed at random to the undergraduates in order to collect data for the study, but  258 were found usable. Mean statistics was used to analyse the data. Findings revealed that the LIS  undergraduates frequently use the Internet and they have positive attitude towards the use of Internet; the  students use the Internet more often in cyber cafes and with their mobile phones; and are actively involved in  Internet activities imperative to their study, amongst other findings. Information overload in the Internet and  dwindling Internet speed were seen as the major issues facing the Internet users; and was closely followed by  poor Internet access. The students need internet services in the university library to be able to compete  academically with their peers in the world. The researchers could not find research articles that look exactly like  the present title; it is likely to be one of its kinds in the Study Area. 


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How to Cite

Frequency of Internet Usage in the Library by Undergraduate Students of Library and Information Science (LIS) . (2022). Library Progress (International), 42(1), 144-152.