Information Security Management for Sustainable Learning among Information Professionals in Public Universities in Rivers State, Nigeria


  • Comfort N Owate Department of Library and Information Science, University of Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria



Information Security, Management, Sustainable Learning, Academic University Libraries and Information Professionals


This study investigated information security management for sustainable learning among information  professionals in public universities in Rivers State, Nigeria. Two research questions and two hypotheses guided  the study. The population consists of the 49 information professionals in the three universities in Rivers State.  University of Port Harcourt (20), Rivers State University (19) and Ignatius Ajuru University of Education  (11) respectively. A sample size of 49 information professionals in the three universities representing 100% of  the population served as respondents. Census sampling technique was used for the study. In doing this, all the  information professionals that make the population were used. A 12-item questionnaire was used for data  collection. Cronbach alpha statistics was used to obtain 0.77 reliability. The mean scores and standard deviation  were used to answer the research questions while the z-test statistics was used to test the hypotheses at 0.05  level of significance. The result amongst others revealed information professionals in both Federal and State  Universities disseminate information through social media networks to delivering personalized information  resources to clients and through Quick Response (QR) codes which easily direct users to desired websites to save  time for sustainable learning,. Meanwhile, information professionals do not disseminate information through  online reference services technology, personal space, online Video-on-Demand (VOD) system and Online  Public Access Catalogues where library users are able to retrieve and access information resources in a timelier  manner. It was recommended that, Universities institutions should check and reform their information  dissemination system to start applying online reference services technology, personal space, online Video-on Demand (VOD) system and Online Public Access Catalogues where library users are able to retrieve and access  information resources in a timelier manner. 


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How to Cite

Information Security Management for Sustainable Learning among Information Professionals in Public Universities in Rivers State, Nigeria . (2022). Library Progress (International), 42(1), 36-47.