Study of the Problems of Pre and Post Automation in College Libraries in Eastern Uttar Pradesh


  • Shakuntla Singh Associate Professor, Department of Library and Information Science, Bareilly College, Shyam Ganj, Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh 243001, India



Automating, Information and Communication Technology (ICT, Online Public Access Catalog, CD-ROM service


Automation has become an important part of today's libraries. Libraries are being automated to replace  conventional libraries, which provide a number of issues, particularly for College Libraries in Eastern Uttar  Pradesh. The primary concerns with automating libraries, according to the research, may be classified into two  categories: pre-automation problems and post-automation problems. Other flaws highlighted were, among  others, inadequate database architecture, a lack of information literacy instruction for patrons, and poor  utilisation of online information resources. To deliver new services to its clients, libraries use a variety of  strategies, including computerised operations such as acquisition, automation, and OPAC. This report presents  some of the experiences and makes an attempt to survey and appraise the Pre and Post Automation Problems in  College Libraries in Eastern Uttar Pradesh. 


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How to Cite

Study of the Problems of Pre and Post Automation in College Libraries in Eastern Uttar Pradesh . (2022). Library Progress (International), 42(1), 1-10.