Use of Electronic Resources by the Faculty Members of Two Government Colleges of Capital, Sikkim: A Study


  • Sangay Lhamu Bhutia Research Scholar, Dept. of Library & Information Science, Mandsaur University, Mandsaur, Madhya Pradesh- 458001, India
  • M Suresh Babu Assistant Professor, Dept. of Library & Information Science, Mandsaur University, Mandsaur, Madhya Pradesh- 458001, India



Use, Electronic Resources, Barriers, Satisfaction, Faculty Members, Government College, Sikkim


Purpose: This study assessed the use of electronic resources by the faculty members who are currently employed  in two government colleges in capital of Sikkim. The purpose of this paper is to explain readers about many kinds of  electronic resources, as well as the benefits, frequency, barriers, and of using them. Methodology: Out the 167  questionnaires that were developed for this study, only 157 were completed and returned by a faculty member of two  government institutions with a response. The data was analysed using a table and chart. Findings: Since many  faculty members are engaged in research programme there has been a noticeable rise in the usage of e-journals. In  addition to instructional activities, research activities have also been enhanced. These include conducting literature  reviews, writing reports, locating research, and turning in reports on time. Faculty members use these tools mostly  from home because it is always available and accessible. Furthermore, it was discovered that two government  colleges' faculties are well-versed in e-resources. Originality / Value: The study's conclusions will be instructive  and useful in determining the best course for making greater use of electronic resources. The study concludes that  faculty members of government colleges, Sikkim are currently depending heavily on electronic resources for their  information needs. The findings and technique can be used to make comparisons. 


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How to Cite

Use of Electronic Resources by the Faculty Members of Two Government Colleges of Capital, Sikkim: A Study . (2023). Library Progress (International), 43(2), 244-258.