The Role of Libraries in Academic Institutes and Universities of India: A Survey of Online Portals
LIS, LMIS, Digital Library Literacy day, Librarian, Asst Professor (LIS), Digital Learning Resources (DLR ), Warehouse of Resources, School Library, Private University Library, Public Library, UGC, EducationAbstract
An online survey has been made to study the role of Libraries in prestigious Institute and University web portals of India. Leading Institute and University portals of India have been studied and evaluated with the functioning of Libraries for dissemination of knowledge resources in the parent Institution. Many of academic Institutions &Universities have now been bringing Libraries under top Header as Library / Central Library / e -Resources / Digital Library / Library & Information Center /e -Library etc. at par with Teaching, Research and Education system of learning. The study suggests that many Libraries of Institution/ University are envisaged by facilities / central facilities / infrastructure /quick links / student/ campus /facilities /life/ student welfare / student corner/ popular links / information desk / student information / services / support facilities /explore facilities / fraternities either at the Header or Footer side of Institutional web portals for awareness & location. Besides library abilities, librarians must have multidisciplinary academic interactive skills to deliver lectures, promote educational trainings and decision making power to recommend procurement plans for any resources/items / services and works in the meeting with Chairman. The study implicates there is need to implement Library Resource Learning Center, Digital Resource Learning Centre, Educational Resource Learning Centre etc. With the adoption of trending technologies, the concept of Library and Information Science (LIS) subject has also been metamorphosed and contemplating with ICT based Library Management and Information Services (LMIS) ensuring parity and compatibility with existing work culture of any Library / E - library / Digital Library/Mobile Library system and services. The study highlights library at the executive levels , many of the Institutions and Universities are more concerned with designations like Director General /Director / Deputy Director / Professor / Assistant Professor (LIS) ,Chief Librarian/ Librarian / University Librarian / Head Librarian / Deputy Librarian / Associate Librarian/Asstt Librarian & Library officer / Officer In charge to justify the works of Library Management and Information Services. With seamless participation of multidisciplinary academic teachers/officers can streamline parity of job structure with equal opportunities and accountability to support and justify common administrative work culture of library system and services irrespective of Library and Information Science (LIS) subject concerned. Libraries should not remain with collections or warehouse of resources but also execute efficient, effective services among user, for this, a
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