Postharvest Quality and Shelf life of Garlic Bulb as Influenced by Storage Season, Soil Type and Different Compound Fertilizers


  • Diriba Shiferaw G School of Plant Sciences, Haramaya University, P. O. Box 138, Dire Dawa, Ethiopia Author
  • Kebede Woldetsadik School of Plant Sciences, Haramaya University, P. O. Box 138, Dire Dawa, Ethiopia. Author
  • Nigussie Dechassa R School of Plant Sciences, Haramaya University, P. O. Box 138, Dire Dawa, Ethiopia. Author
  • Getachew Tabor Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research, Debre Zeit Agricultural Research Centre, Debre Zeit, Ethiopia Author
  • J J Sharma School of Plant Sciences, Haramaya University, P. O. Box 138, Dire Dawa, Ethiopia. Author


Garlic bulb, Compound fertilizer, Bulb quality, Shelf-life, soil types, Storage season


The experiment was conducted twice during rainy (2011/12) and dry (2012/13)  seasons at Debre Zeit Agricultural Research Centre, Ethiopia, to evaluate  effects of pre-harvest fertilizer application, soil type and storage season on  postharvest quality and storability of garlic bulb. The treatments comprised  twelve different fertilizer types and doses i.e. control, recommended N and P  (92 and 40 kg ha-1), three rates of Azofertil (100, 200 and 300 kgha-1), four  rates of Basic (100, 200, 400 and 600 kgha-1) and three rates of D-coder (100,  200 and 400 kgha-1) evaluated in two soil types (Andosol and Vertisol) and  replicated thrice using Complete Randomized Block Design. Two storage  seasons (dry and Rainy) were used for bulbs storage. Significant variations in  storability and quality of bulbs were recorded to the fertilizers, soil type and  storage season. Higher rates of fertilizers improved storability and quality of  bulb whereas higher weight and diameter losses were observed in bulbs from  control plot and plots treated with lower levels of each fertilizer. Garlic grown  on Andosol and subsequent storage during the rainy season recorded better  bulb qualities with long storability. D-coder at the rates of 200 and 400 kgha-1,  followed by Azofertil at 200 and 300 kgha-1, recorded higher percent of dry  matter, total soluble solids and pungency of bulbs and lower percent in weight  and diameter losses. Thus application of these fertilizers on Andosol is a better  compromise for post harvest quality and shelf life of garlic bulbs under  ambient storage conditions.  


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How to Cite

G, D. S., Woldetsadik, K., R, N. . D., Tabor, G., & Sharma, J. J. (2013). Postharvest Quality and Shelf life of Garlic Bulb as Influenced by Storage Season, Soil Type and Different Compound Fertilizers . Journal of Postharvest Technology, 1(1), 69-83.