Influence of Germination Time on Some Physical Properties of Germinated Paddy (Oryza sativa L.)


  • Joseph Sherman Kamara Department of Agricultural Engineering, Njala University, Njala Campus, Njala, Private Mail Bag, Freetown Sierra Leone Author
  • Georgiana Allie Department of Agricultural Engineering, Njala University, Njala Campus, Njala, Private Mail Bag, Freetown Sierra Leone Author


Degree of germination, Germinated brown rice, Germinated paddy, Parboiled germinated paddy, Physical properties


The physical properties of grains are important factors in designing  efficient food processing, handling and storage systems. In this  work we investigated the influence of degree of germination (in  terms of the duration of germination treatment) on some  geometric, mass-related and flow-related properties of germinated  paddy grains. Paddy grains germinated at 38oC and 85% relative  humidity over a period of 24, 48 or 72 hours and dried to a  moisture content of about 11% (wet basis) after or without  parboiling, were used for physical characterization. Results show  that degree of germination had a significant influence on the mass  properties of paddy grains, with evidence of linear decrease in  both bulk density and 1000-grain mass with increasing  germination time. A similar trend was observed for the porosity of both raw and parboiled germinated paddy grains.


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How to Cite

Kamara, J. S., & Allie , G. (2014). Influence of Germination Time on Some Physical Properties of Germinated Paddy (Oryza sativa L.) . Journal of Postharvest Technology, 2(4), 213-222.