Semi-analytical Approach for Prediction of Freezing Times of Regular Shaped Foods


  • Sanoj Kumar Department of Agricultural Engineering Bihar Agricultural College, Sabour (813 210), Bhagalpur, India Author


estimation, freezing, literature., temperature, comparing


Food freezing is one of the most significant applications of refrigeration. In  order for freezing operations to be cost-effective, it is necessary to optimally  design the refrigeration equipment. This requires estimation of the freezing  times of foods. Estimation of food freezing time analytically is not possible,  and numerous semi analytical methods for predicting food freezing times are  available. A new method has been proposed for the prediction of freezing time  and the performance of these various methods is evaluated in this paper by  comparing their results to experimental freezing time data obtained from the  literature. The proposed method shows error ranges upto 10 %, hence may be  used for estimation of food freezing time. 


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How to Cite

Kumar , S. (2016). Semi-analytical Approach for Prediction of Freezing Times of Regular Shaped Foods . Journal of Postharvest Technology, 4(1), 31-36.