Preservation of Tomatoes in a Brick-Walled Evaporative Cooler


  • Folorunso Adekunle Babarinsa Post harvest Engineering Research Department, Nigerian Stored Products Research Institute, P. M. B. 1489, Ilorin, Nigeria Author
  • Michael Ayodele Omodara Post harvest Engineering Research Department, Nigerian Stored Products Research Institute, P. M. B. 1489, Ilorin, Nigeria Author


Tomato, Cooling, Evaporation, Packaging, Shelf-life


A double-walled evaporative cooler built of bricks with the interspaces filled  with wet riverbed sand was tested for storage of tomato fruits (non-wrapped  and wrapped in perforated and imperforated polyethylene bags). The  temperature in the storage chamber was at 16-19 °C and 83-96% RH as  compared to the ambient at 20-36oC and 34-70% RH. The evaporative cooler  performed better than the ambient by reducing mean weight loss and decay in  fruits by 53.7 and 41.2%, respectively. The shelf life of unpackaged tomatoes  was 13 days in evaporative cooler as compared to 5 days under ambient  conditions. Fruits stored in cooler were rated higher in sensory quality than  those in the ambient. Perforated PE bags significantly reduced weight loss and  decay in the stored tomatoes, thereby increasing shelf life to 20 days in the  evaporative cooler and 13 days under ambient conditions. Tomatoes sealed in  imperforated polyethylene bags had shorter shelf life of 7 and 9 days, under  ambient and evaporative cooler respectively. The increase in shelf life of  tomatoes in the cooler was attributed to lower temperature and higher relative  humidity (RH) in the storage chamber. The study demonstrated that shelf life  of tomatoes can be extended by the use of evaporative cooler. 


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How to Cite

Babarinsa, F. A., & Omodara, M. A. (2016). Preservation of Tomatoes in a Brick-Walled Evaporative Cooler . Journal of Postharvest Technology, 4(1), 1-5.