Detection of fruit deterioration biomarkers on fresh-cut pineapple via gene expression assay based on electrochemical biosensor


  • Mallika Kaewdee Department of Botany, Chulalongkorn University, Prathumwan, Bangkok, 10330, Thailand Author
  • Piyasak Chaumpluk Department of Botany, Chulalongkorn University, Prathumwan, Bangkok, 10330, Thailand Author


Electrochemical biosensor, pineapple, Polyphenol oxidase, ATP synthase, Superoxide dismutase


A technique for the semi-quantitative determination of target deterioration markers through gene expression in tissues of fresh cut pineapple  based on electrochemical biosensor was developed. This method employed RT-PCR amplification of a specific domain corresponding to a  target ATP synthase, polyphenol oxidase, superoxide dismutase gene and a common housekeeping 18S rRNA gene, and a phenomenon of  DNA aggregation induced by Hoechst 33258 in conjunction with changes in anodic current peaks measured via a carbon screen printed  electrode on linear sweep voltammetry. Anodic current peaks of the resulting cDNA products from pineapple tissues during storage were  between 1.16-2.35 µA. Semi-quantitative analysis for the level of deterioration markers through gene expression was measured using the  comparative ratio between copy numbers of target gene and housekeeping 18S rRNA genes. The expression of ATP synthase, polyphenol  oxidase, superoxide dismutase gene at 25 oC was detected as early as 6 hours after storage. SOD expression level having more abundance  than the rest studied might play key role in quality deterioration in pineapple. Semi-quantitative studies on gene expression revealed the  increase in patterns of gene expression especially that of SOD up to 89.14% comparing with that of a housekeeping gene. These results  provided gene expression configuration in responding to postharvest conditions of fresh cut pineapple. The technique has several merits on its  rapidity and simplicity in quantifying gene expression. This is also a cost effective technique since no sophisticated devices and expensive  reagents are needed.  


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How to Cite

Kaewdee , M., & Chaumpluk, P. (2017). Detection of fruit deterioration biomarkers on fresh-cut pineapple via gene expression assay based on electrochemical biosensor . Journal of Postharvest Technology, 5(2), 64-78.