Optimization of ohmic heating of whey based drink using response surface methodology


  • Anupam Amitabh Department of Processing and Food Engineering, MPUAT, Udaipur, India. Author
  • Vishal Kumar Department of Processing and Food Engineering, RCAU, Pusa, India. Author


Ohmic heating, Whey, Box Behnken;, Response Surface Methodology


Experiments were conducted according to Box Behnken Design for optimization of ohmic heating (OH) for pasteurization of whey based drink  (sugar: 5% litchi juice: 8%; pectin: 0.7%; Potassium meta bisulphate : 1.5%). The three OH process variables were processing time, applied  voltage and height of ohmic heater. Optimum conditions obtained by numerical optimization were processing time - 7.6 min, applied voltage – 49.5 V and thickness – 40 mm to achieve optimum conditions (maximum desirability = 0.863) with the predicted value for temperature was  73.80 o C, cell viability 20.53 X103cfu/mL, color index 54.83 and sensory score 7.55.  


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How to Cite

Amitabh, A., & Kumar, V. (2017). Optimization of ohmic heating of whey based drink using response surface methodology . Journal of Postharvest Technology, 5(1), 55-71. https://acspublisher.com/journals/index.php/jpht/article/view/15676