Effects of heat treatment on fish oil extraction process using a single screw expeller


  • Tanko Bako Department of Agricultural and Environmental Engineering, University of Agriculture, Makurdi, Nigeria Author
  • Victor Imolemhe Umogbai Department of Agricultural and Environmental Engineering, University of Agriculture, Makurdi, Nigeria Author
  • John Okanagba Awulu Department of Agricultural and Environmental Engineering, University of Agriculture, Makurdi, Nigeria Author


Oil extraction, fish oil;, screw expeller, process parameters


Effects of heating temperature and duration on yield and quality (free fatty acids value, saponification value, para-anisidine value and  peroxide value) of oil extracted from fish using a single screw expeller was studied. Heating temperature and duration were 60, 70, 80  and 90 °C and 5, 10, 15 and 20 minutes respectively. All data collected were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA) to test for  significant effects at 95 % confidence limit. When significant difference was observed, treatment means were separated using the F LSD. The oil yield ranged between 17.2 % and 21.6 %, free fatty acid values (2.2–4.5 %), saponification values (134-189 mgKOH/g),  para-anisidine values (7.3-12.2 mEq/kg) and peroxide values (8.1–11.7 mEqO2/kg). The treatments have significant effects on oil yield,  free fatty acid value, saponification value, para-anisidine value and peroxide value or at p<0.05. The mean separation also shows  significant effects on oil yield, free fatty acid value, saponification value, para-anisidine value and peroxide value at p<0.05. Optimum  temperature and duration of heating were 90 °C and 15 minutes respectively. This combination gave 21.6% oil yield, 2.5 % free fatty acid value, 136 mgKOH/g saponification value, 10.8 mEq/kg para-anisidine value and 8.3 mEqO2/kg peroxide


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How to Cite

Bako, T., Umogbai, V. I., & Awulu , J. O. (2024). Effects of heat treatment on fish oil extraction process using a single screw expeller . Journal of Postharvest Technology, 6(4), 116-125. https://acspublisher.com/journals/index.php/jpht/article/view/15659