Ginger Essential Oil for Postharvest Quality of Datterino Tomato: Effect of Immersion Duration and Storage Temperature


  • Abdul Rahaman Adams Department of Agricultural Engineering, Postharvest Division, Wa Polytechnic, P O Box 553. Wa Upper West Region, Ghana West Africa Author
  • Abdul Razak Adama Department of Agricultural Engineering, Postharvest Division, Wa Polytechnic, P O Box 553. Wa Upper West Region, Ghana West Africa Author
  • Tambu kuunuori Thadius Department of Agricultural Engineering, Postharvest Division, Wa Polytechnic, P O Box 553. Wa Upper West Region, Ghana West Africa Author
  • Bashir Barau Department of Agricultural Engineering, Postharvest Division, Wa Polytechnic, P O Box 553. Wa Upper West Region, Ghana West Africa Author


Datterino tomato, postharvest quality, temperature, essential oil, sensory quality


Tomatoes are considered one of the most important components of human diet and there are several issues that affect their shelf-life. This study was  conducted to examine the effect of immersing Datterino Tomato in ginger essential oil on qualitative traits during storage. Fruits were stored at 5ºC,  7ºC and 26.9ºC for 14 days. The experiment was laid out using Completely Randomized Design with two replications. The response parameters  measured were, cumulative percentage weight loss, titratable acidity, total soluble solids, firmness, taste index and consumer acceptance. There were  cases where both Temprature and Essential oil had significant difference. Fruits stored at 26.9ºC lost weight faster than those stored at 5ºC and 7ºC.  Samples treated with ginger essential oil however experienced the lowest weight loss as compared to the control samples at all temperatures. The  results obtained on firmness, TSS, flavour and acceptance demonstrated significant difference at P ≤ 0.05 due to both Ginger essential oil and  temperature treatments. Fruit firmness at the end of the experimental period revealed that, samples treated with Ginger essential oil for 30 minutes  recorded the highest firmness values. Results indicated that, samples treated for 20 minutes recorded the lowest decline in TSS. The results  demonstrated that no significant difference at P ≤ 0.05 was found on both TA, TI and sweetness. Based on the results from the study conducted,  Ginger essential oil immersion combined with lower temperatures of 5ºC and 7ºC demonstrated effectiveness in maintaining postharvest quality of  Datterino tomato fruit.  


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How to Cite

Adams, A. R., Adama, A. R., Thadius, T. kuunuori, & Barau , B. (2018). Ginger Essential Oil for Postharvest Quality of Datterino Tomato: Effect of Immersion Duration and Storage Temperature . Journal of Postharvest Technology, 6(3), 109-121.