Optimization of Crude Fish Oil Extraction Using Mechanical Screw Expeller Validated by Response Surface Methodology


  • Tanko Bako Department of Agricultural and Environmental Engineering, University of Agriculture, Makurdi, Nigeria Author
  • Victor Imolemhe Umogbai Department of Agricultural and Environmental Engineering, University of Agriculture, Makurdi, Nigeria Author
  • Anebi Joseph Garba Department of Agricultural and Environmental Engineering, University of Agriculture, Makurdi, Nigeria Author


Cost, benefit, packaging liners, plastic and wooden crates, postharvest losses quality


Fish has been identified as a source of essential oil, but there is sparse literature on the effect of processing factors on the characteristics of oil  extracted from any fish species. Optimization of oil extraction with the aid of expeller was achieved by applying response surface  methodology. The variables were choke clearance (1–3 mm), screw clearance (1–3 mm) and screw speed (50–70 rpm), while the responses  were oil yields. Data obtained were analyzed at P < 0.05. Choke clearance, screw clearance and screw speed conditions significantly  influenced all the responses at P < 0.05. The optimum oil extraction condition was 1 mm choke clearance, 1mm screw clearance and 70 rpm screw speed, which gave 22.422 % oil yield. 


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Bako et al. (Optimization of crude fish oil extraction using mechanical screw expeller validated by response surface methodology)

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How to Cite

Bako, T., Umogbai, V.I., & Garba , A.J. (2018). Optimization of Crude Fish Oil Extraction Using Mechanical Screw Expeller Validated by Response Surface Methodology . Journal of Postharvest Technology, 6(1), 69–82. Retrieved from https://acspublisher.com/journals/index.php/jpht/article/view/15437