Physical and mechanical properties of soya bean seeds in relation to the design of oil extractors


  • Tanko Bako Department of Agricultural and Environmental Engineering, University of Agriculture, Makurdi, Nigeria Author
  • Ezekiel Ambo Mamai Department of Soil Science and Land Resource Management, Federal University, Wukari, Nigeria Author
  • Boman James Bature Department of Agricultural and Bio-Environmental Engineering, Nuhu Bamalli Polytechnic, Zaria, Nigeria Author


Soya bean, physical,, mechanical, oil extractor, postharvest


Physical and mechanical properties are very important in the design and manufacturing of processing machines. In this research work, the  physical and mechanical properties of soya bean seeds were determined as design parameters for the development of an oil expeller for the  crop. The physical properties determined were length, width, thickness, arithmetic mean diameter, geometric mean diameter, roundness,  sphericity, aspect ratio, surface area, projected area, volume, moisture content, one thousand seed weight, bulk density, true density and  porosity. The average seed length, width and thickness were found to be 6.67 ± 0.27, 5.60 ± 0.22 and 4.64 ± 0.24 mm respectively. The  average arithmetic and geometric mean diameters were 5.64±0.19 and 5.58±0.17 mm respectively. The average roundness, sphericity and  aspect ratio were 0.7879±0.023, 0.8359±0.021 and 0.8396±0.025 respectively. The mean surface area, projected area and volume were  97.66±32.58 mm2, 29.34±3.47 mm2 and 90.75±29.64 mm3respectively. The average moisture content was 7.34±0.32% dry basis and the  thousand kernel weight was 104.88±0.53 g. The average bulk and true densities were 750.00 ± 3.28 and 1250.00 ± 4.45 kgm-3respectively  and the porosity was 40.02 ±0.061%. The mechanical properties determined in this study were angle of repose, coefficient of static friction,  shear strength and compressive strength. The mean angle of repose was 27.00±0.37o while the mean coefficient of static friction on mild steel  surface was 0.52±0.022. The mean shear strength and compressive strength of the seeds were 284.56±25.13 and 657.33±46.62 N/mm2 respectively. These parameters would provide important and essential data for the efficient design of oil extractors.  


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How to Cite

Bako, T., Mamai, E. A., & Bature, B. J. (2019). Physical and mechanical properties of soya bean seeds in relation to the design of oil extractors . Journal of Postharvest Technology, 7(2), 50-56.