Effect of growing seasons on agronomic and functional traits of tunisian potato genotypes


  • Riadh Ilahy University of Carthage, National Agricultural Research Institute of Tunisia, Tunis, Laboratory of Horticulture, Rue Hédi Karray 1004, El Menzah, Ariana, Tunisia Author
  • Imen Tlili University of Carthage, National Agricultural Research Institute of Tunisia, Tunis, Laboratory of Horticulture, Rue Hédi Karray 1004, El Menzah, Ariana, Tunisia Author
  • Thouraya R Him University of Carthage, National Agricultural Research Institute of Tunisia, Tunis, Laboratory of Horticulture, Rue Hédi Karray 1004, El Menzah, Ariana, Tunisia Author
  • Fozia Homa Department of Statistics, Mathematics, and Computer Application, Bihar Agricultural University, Sabour, Bhagalpur (813210) Bihar India Author
  • Marcello Salvatore Lenucci Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Biologiche ed Ambientali, Università del Salento, Via Prov.le Lecce-Monteroni, 73100 Lecce, Italy Author
  • Nouri Khamassy University of Carthage, National Agricultural Research Institute of Tunisia, Tunis, Laboratory of Horticulture, Rue Hédi Karray 1004, El Menzah, Ariana, Tunisia Author


Highlands, potato, carotenoids, flavonoids, hydrophilic and lipophilic antioxidant activity, dry matter


This study investigates the main agronomic attributes (average tuber weight, soluble solids and dry matter) and the functional quality (total carotenoids,  total phenols, flavonoids and total vitamin C) as well as the hydrophilic and lipophilic antioxidant activities (HAA and LAA) of potato genotypes  consisting of six new clones (SLN, ELD, SYN, BDA, NMA, UNV) and the cultivar Spunta grown under a coastal location for the Rear Cropping Season  (RCS) and an inland or highland location for the New Cropping Season (NCS) commonly known as the fifth season in Tunisia. Under (NCS), SLN and  SYN clones, showed dry matter content 21%-45% higher compared to (RCS). Under (NCS), carotenoids were only detected in BDA and NMA at  levels higher compared to (RCS). However, the flavonoids content in SLN, ELD, SYN and BDA clones was 54-163% higher in (RCS) compared to  (NCS). HAA and LAA values were almost similar in both growing seasons except for Spunta and UNV which presented higher HAA values in (RCS)  and SLN which exhibited higher LAA values in (NCS). Therefore, the tubers issued from (NCS) revealed satisfying agronomic traits and functional  quality similar to (RCS) and suggest that (NCS) production will contribute to the balance of the demand/price of this agricultural produce.  


J. Postharvest Technol., 2019, 07(2): 11-20 18

Ilahy et al. (Effect of growing seasons on agronomic and functional traits of Tunisian potatoes)

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How to Cite

Ilahy, R., Tlili, I., R Him, T., Homa, F., Lenucci, M. S., & Khamassy, N. (2019). Effect of growing seasons on agronomic and functional traits of tunisian potato genotypes . Journal of Postharvest Technology, 7(2), 11-20. https://acspublisher.com/journals/index.php/jpht/article/view/15400