Image analysis as non-destructive approach in characterization of Indian sweet meat spongy Rosogulla


  • Shubhra Shekhar Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering and Technology, Longowal, Punjab, India Author
  • P S Minz ICAR- National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal, Haryana India Author


Non-destructive, image processing, texture, Rosogulla, GLCM


Quality characterization and sustenance of food quality is of major concern in food industry. The variability in the food texture is another  concerning parameter affecting the acceptance of food products. The reliability and acceptability of the processed finished food products in  the market depends on its overall quality characteristics. Most of the quality assessing approaches are destructive in nature and require more  materials to analyze various parameters to judge its overall characteristics. Further, this approach requires several high-end equipment with  trained technical man powers for handling such equipment and interpreting the complicated results. On the other hand, the Image analysis  approach being non-destructive technique does not require the material to waste and not complicated even. The approach requires daily use  equipment such as camera, laptop and software skills. Under the present investigation various characteristics of Indian made spongy  rosogulla was performed using non-destructive offline approach. Multiple images of the samples were taken. In order to analyze and extract  Gray-Level Co-occurrence (GLCM) matrix properties of the image a software program was developed using MATLAB software. The mean  and standard deviation values were determined and compared for all the four offsets. The significant values were taken and compared for the  selected properties among twenty-two properties.  


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How to Cite

Shekhar, S., & Minz, P. S. (2020). Image analysis as non-destructive approach in characterization of Indian sweet meat spongy Rosogulla . Journal of Postharvest Technology, 8(3), 50-60.