Development and physico-chemical analysis of value-added mango leather packed in different packaging materials


  • Baljor Singh Department of Food Process Engineering, Sam Higginbottom Institute of Agriculture, Technology and Sciences- Deemed University, P.O Naini, Allahabad, U.P-211007, India. Author
  • Vinay Kumar Pandey Department of Bioengineering, Integral University, Lucknow, UP. -226026, India. Author
  • R N Shukla Department of Food Process Engineering, Sam Higginbottom Institute of Agriculture, Technology and Sciences- Deemed University, P.O Naini, Allahabad, U.P-211007, India. Author
  • Kunal Singh Department of Food Process Engineering, Sam Higginbottom Institute of Agriculture, Technology and Sciences- Deemed University, P.O Naini, Allahabad, U.P-211007, India. Author
  • Sweta Singh Department of Food Process Engineering, Sam Higginbottom Institute of Agriculture, Technology and Sciences- Deemed University, P.O Naini, Allahabad, U.P-211007, India. Author


Mango, coconut powder, dehydrator, food packaging, performance evaluation


The study aimed to develop mango leather and to analyze the composition while observing the shelf life. The sensory, quality, and nutritional  parameters were investigated. We selected one variety of mango (Lal patta) with one stage of ripeness (i.e., ripe mango). Also, the product was  developed with the addition of the mango pulp, sugar, honey, milk powder, coconut powder, and potassium meta bisulfate. 4 samples (A, B, C,  and D) were kept at 70°C for 10 hours in a tray dryer and these samples were compared to each other. We used these additives for enhancing  the vitamin-A, vitamin-C, and carbohydrate content in mango leather. All statistical analyses showed that Physico-chemical properties were  different in different variety and stages of ripeness. Sensory, texture and chemical analysis showed that the quality of mango leather was  satisfactory with a high amount of nutrients. The statistical analysis of the consumer’s preference showed that all the developed products were  equally acceptable and sample B secured the highest score. The other products were also liked moderately as far as overall acceptability is  concerned. The mango leather was stored in HDPE and LDPE bags but the best quality of mango leather was achieved in HDPE during the 60  days of storage. 


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How to Cite

Singh, B., Pandey, V. K., Shukla, R. N., Singh, K., & Singh, S. (2021). Development and physico-chemical analysis of value-added mango leather packed in different packaging materials . Journal of Postharvest Technology, 9(3), 29-39.