Optimisation of raw jack fruit fries and its physicochemical and sensory properties


  • Babu R M Ray 1 Food Technology, JNTU College of Engineering., Anantapur-515002, AP, India Author
  • Bala Narasaiah T 2 Cell Biology Division, National Institute of Nutrition, Hyderabad-500007, India Author
  • Challa Suresh Author


Deep-fried fries, , fryums, hot-air puffed fries, jackfruit fries, papads


The jack fruit is a god's gift to humankind due to its many uses. It takes care of human, animal food and nutritional needs effortlessly. Apart  from several value-added products from ripe fruits, the unripe raw fruits can be converted into ready to eat foods of longer shelf life. In the  present study, matured raw jackfruit pulp and moisture equilibrated starch was cooked and dried at different ratios viz., T1(100:100),  T2(100:50), T3(100:30), T4(50:100), T5(30:100), T6(10:100), T7(100:20), T8(20:100), T9(100:10) with 100 % jack-pulp as control TC (0:100).  The dried products called raw fries were deep-fried and air-puffed. The blend 50:100 (T4) based fries were best rated with an oil uptake of  28.62g/100 at 194℃ ±4 ℃for 10.32sec frying time temperature with complete moisture loss produced 174% thick and 65.35% dia expanded  product that took an average peak break force (PBF) of 0.18 kg, compared to 138% thick and 28.72% dia expanded product of 6.23%  moisture content in air-puffing time-temperature of 24.66 sec, 198±2℃ demanded 0.57 kg PBF. The blend 30:100 (T5) reported 25.43g/100g  oil uptake in 10.40 sec, yielding 120.07% thick, 45.90% dia product demanding 0.14kg braking force, against its counterpart air-fried product  in 22.00 sec puffing time produced 153% thick, 29 % dia product of 6.84% per cent moisture, demanding 0.27 kg maximum force to break.  The colour difference ΔE is positive (1.94), which is higher in T6(16.30), T7(13.90) and Tc(13.59) due to varying levels of starch and pulp.  Hence 30% -50% starch is rated as the best blend. The dried raw fries were safe for consumption beyond eight months of storage. 


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How to Cite

Ray, B. R. M., T, B. N., & Suresh, C. (2024). Optimisation of raw jack fruit fries and its physicochemical and sensory properties . Journal of Postharvest Technology, 10(1), 35-51. https://acspublisher.com/journals/index.php/jpht/article/view/15036