Impact of sprouted gram and mung flour on iron, calcium, dietary fiber, and vitamin C content in biscuits


  • Sonam Gupta Institute of Food Technology, Bundelkhand University, Kanpur Road, 284128, Jhansi, UP, India Author
  • Devender Kumar Bhatt Institute of Food Technology, Bundelkhand University, Kanpur Road, 284128, Jhansi, UP, India Author


Sprouted gram, sprouted mung, value addition, biscuit, fortified food


This study aimed to investigate the potential impact of sprouted gram and mung flour on the nutritional content of biscuits. Six variations of  biscuits were prepared, each with different ratios of refined flour, sprouted gram flour, and sprouted mung flour. All samples contained 1 gram  of baking powder, 1 gram of baking soda, 60 grams of sugar, 50 grams of butter, and sufficient water to make a soft dough. The results of the  study showed that the incorporation of sprouted gram and mung flour into biscuits led to an increase in Calcium and Vitamin C content. Sample  T3, which contained 70% refined flour, 15% sprouted gram flour, and 15% sprouted mung flour, had the highest levels of Calcium (260 ± 25.1  mg/100g) and Vitamin C (26.1 ± 0.406 mg/100g). The analysis conducted to determine the iron content in all six samples was unsuccessful as  the results were below the limit of quantification (BLQ), implying that the iron concentration was too low to be accurately measured using the  employed method. In conclusion, the incorporation of sprouted gram and mung flour into biscuits can increase their nutritional value. Therefore,  these flours can be considered as an alternative ingredient in the production of biscuits. Further studies could explore the potential impact of  sprouted gram and mung flour on other nutritional components of baked goods. 


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How to Cite

Gupta, S., & Bhatt , D. K. (2023). Impact of sprouted gram and mung flour on iron, calcium, dietary fiber, and vitamin C content in biscuits . Journal of Postharvest Technology, 11(2), 36-44.