Ripening associated physico-biochemical changes in red fleshed organic dragon fruit of Mizoram, India


  • R C Lalduhsangi Department of Horticulture, Aromatic and Medicinal Plants, Mizoram University, Aizawl-796004, Mizoram, India Author
  • Debashis Mandal Department of Horticulture, Aromatic and Medicinal Plants, Mizoram University, Aizawl-796004, Mizoram, India Author


Dragon fruit, ripening, firmness, TSS:acid, ascorbic acid, anthocyanin


A study was conducted with red fleshed organically grown dragon fruit (Hylocereus polyrhizus) at north-eastern Himalayan region of Mizoram,  India; for evaluating ripening associated physico-biochemical changes to select optimum mature fruits for local as well as distant market. Fruits  were collected from organic dragon fruit farm of Ailawg village, Mamit district of Mizoram. Data analyses revealed that fruit growth and  development was comparatively slow for the first three weeks after fruit set, followed by rapid growth of one week and again a slow growth for  final week. Fruits at 35 days after fruit set (DAFS) had maximum size in terms of fruit length (77.25±4.26 mm), diameter (70.25±2.68 mm) and  volume (203.25±2.86 cc) with high fruit weight (211.80±6.91 g), pulp recovery (56.35±2.44%) and pulp: peel ratio (1.11±0.05). Besides, fruits  at this stage had highest TSS:acid ratio (99.22±7.88) and ascorbic acid (24.79±2.06 mg100g-1) along with good pulp and peel colour as  determined by anthocyanin content (pulp: 10.34±1.38 mg100g-1, peel: 5.67±1.05 mg100g-1). However, these values were quite good after 28  DAFS as the fruits were turning colour. Therefore, it may be concluded that organic red fleshed dragon fruit has to be harvested 35 days after  fruit set for local market while it will be good to harvest at 28 DAFS for distant market. 


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How to Cite

Lalduhsangi, R.C., & Mandal, D. (2023). Ripening associated physico-biochemical changes in red fleshed organic dragon fruit of Mizoram, India . Journal of Postharvest Technology, 11(2), 1–18. Retrieved from