Effect of different drying treatments on the concentration of nutrient content and functional properties of black turmeric (Curcuma caesia)


  • Sritama Datta Department of Food Science and Nutrition, Mount Carmel College, Bangaluru, Karnataka 560052, India Author
  • P Vasantha Kumari Department of Food Science and Nutrition, Mount Carmel College, Bangaluru, Karnataka 560052, India Author


Black turmeric, phytochemical components, medicinal benefits,, hot-air-oven drying.



Curcuma caesia is the blackish-blue variant of yellow turmeric. Plant rhizome is popularly used by  tribal communities due to its medicinal properties, still it remains unknown and underutilized by  majority of population. The study aims to analyse the effect of different drying treatments (sun  drying, hot-air-oven drying, and microwave drying) on nutrient composition and phytochemical  content of black turmeric. Results showed that the Hot-air-oven Dried sample had significantly  (p<0.05) higher retention of protein, total phenolic and flavonoid content. The high phenolic and  flavonoid content of the Hot-air-oven dried sample contributed to higher antioxidant capacity compared to other dried samples.


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How to Cite

Datta, S., & Kumari, P. . V. (2024). Effect of different drying treatments on the concentration of nutrient content and functional properties of black turmeric (Curcuma caesia) . Journal of Postharvest Technology, 12(1), 41-48. https://acspublisher.com/journals/index.php/jpht/article/view/14953