
  • R A Chavan College of Agriculture, Ambajogai, Dist. Beed-431 517, Maharashtra, India.
  • P L Sontakke ARS, Badnapur, Dist. Jalna 431202, Maharashtra, India.
  • S D Bantewad College of Agriculture, Ambajogai, Dist. Beed-431 517, Maharashtra, India.
  • M S Kumbhar College of Agriculture, Latur- 413 512, Maharashtra, India.



Mango,, leaf spot,, C. gloeosporioides,, P. mangiferae,, Fungicides


Mango leaf spot often caused by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides and Pestolotiopsis mangiferae which are very common in areas of wet and warm environments. Growers have become concerned about these pathogens because they have been known to harm fruits and leaves. One strategy for controlling diseases, particularly foliar pathogens, has been the use of chemical fungicides. This study assessed seven broad spectrum fungicides against two main fungi (C. gloeosporioides and P. mangiferae) that cause leaf spots in vitro using the poisoned food technique. Data revealed that the mycelial development of the test pathogen was successfully inhibited by all systemic fungicides tested (each at 500 and 1000 ppm) compared to the untreatedcontrol, andthat this effect wasdirectlycorrelatedwith concentrations. At both concentrations, carbendazim was found to be highly efficient in inhibiting mycelial growth against the tested pathogen.


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How to Cite

IN VITRO EFFICACY OF FUNGICIDE AGAINST MAJOR FUNGI CAUSING LEAF SPOT OF MANGO . (2023). Journal of Plant Disease Sciences, 18(2), 150-152.