Survey Of Alternaria Leaf Spot Of Soybean In Centralvidarbha


  • S B Zade Department of Plant Pathology, Dr. PDKV, Akola
  • Y V Ingle Department of Plant Pathology, Dr. PDKV, Akola
  • S S Mane Department of Plant Pathology, Dr. PDKV, Akola
  • A G Gathe Department of Plant Pathology, Dr. PDKV, Akola



Glycine max, Alternaria alternata, A. tenuissima, Leaf spot, Survey


The roving survey was conducted during Kharif season 2017-18 in Vidarbha region of Maharashtra in order to know the per cent disease incidence of Alternaria leaf spot of soybean and results revealed that maximum mean per cent disease incidence (41.66%) was observed in Walgoan village of Amravati district followed by in Mozari (40.19%) Tahsil Tiwsa district Amravati. Whereas minimum percent disease incidence (12.50%) was noticed in village Tuljapur Taluka Seloo district Wardha followed by Jambhrun Parande village in Washim district (13.93%). Total 440 bits of infected leaf sample of soybean Alternaria leaf spot subjecting for isolation, the main pathogen isolated was Alternaria alternata (85.92%) followed by Alternaria tenuissima (3.85%). This indicated that Alternaria alternata was the major pathogen species associated with soybean in Vidarbha region.


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How to Cite

Survey Of Alternaria Leaf Spot Of Soybean In Centralvidarbha . (2018). Journal of Plant Disease Sciences, 13(2), 107-110.