Meliola Elaeocarpicola SP. Nov. (Ascomycetes, Meliolales) From Malabar Wildlife Sanctuary in Kerala State, India


  • Lini K Mathew Post Graduate & Research Dept. of Botany, Mar Thoma College, Thiruvalla– 689 103, Pathanamthitta, Kerala



Meliola elaeocarpaceae sp. Fungi, comparative features


A huge number of Meliolaceous fungi were reported from India and there was a requirement for the consolidation of this group, Hosagoudar (1996) did a Monographic study for India by including 6 genera and 378 species. However, the enthusiastic work on this group continued in Kerala by Hoasgoudar and Jacob Thomas (2013) contributed to Meliolales of Kerala and other southern parts of India; Hosagoudar (2008, 2013) for Meliolales of India and Hosagoudar and Agarwal (2008), for the world monograph are the subsequent works. 


Goos, R. D. and V. B. Hosagoudar, 1998: Meliola chennaiana sp. nov. and some additional records from India. Mycotaxon 68: 41-46.

Hansford, C.G., 1961: TheMeliolineae.A Monograph. Sydowia Beih., 2 :1-806.

Hosagoudar, V. B. and R. D. Goos, 1989: Meliolaceous fungi from the state of Kerala, India - I. Mycotaxon, 36: 221-247

Hosagoudar, V. B., 1996: Meliolales of India. Botanical Survey of India, Calcutta : 363.

Hosagoudar, V. B., 2008 : Meliolales of India. vol. II. Botanical Survey of India, Calcutta, pp 390. Hosagoudar, V. B. and D.K. Agarwal, 2008:Taxonomic

studies of Meliolales. Identification manual. International Book Distributors, Dehradun, India. Hosagoudar, V.B., 2013: Meliolales of India – Volume III. Journal of Threatened Taxa 5(6): 3993–4068; doi:10.11609/JoTT.o3307.3993-4068.

Hosagoudar, V. B. and Jacob Thomas 2013: Meliolales in Peppara and Neyyar Wildlife sanctuaries in Kerala State. Sadguru Publications, Udaipur, : 254.

Hosagoudar, V.B. and T.K. Abraham, 1996a: Meliola prataprajii sp. nov. from Kerala, India. Seminar on Rec. Adv. Bot., Satara, : 14-15.

Hosagoudar, V.B. and T.K. Abraham, 1996b: Two new Meliolaceae members from Kerala, India. Kavaka, 24: 15-17.

Hosagoudar, V. B., T. K. Abraham, and P. Pushpangadan, 1997: The Meliolineae - A Supplement. Tropical Botanic Garden and Research Institute, Palode,

Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India : 201.

Hosagoudar, V.B. and T.K. Abraham, 1998a: Some interesting meliolaceous fungi from Kerala, India. J. Mycopathol.Res., 36: 97.

Hosagoudar, V.B. and T.K. Abraham, 1998b: Some Meliolaceae members from Kerala, India. Sydowia, 50: 14-20.

Hosagoudar, V.B. and T.K. Abraham, 1998c; Some interesting members of the Meliolaceae from India. Nova Hedwigia, 68: 477-487.



How to Cite

Meliola Elaeocarpicola SP. Nov. (Ascomycetes, Meliolales) From Malabar Wildlife Sanctuary in Kerala State, India. (2019). Journal of Plant Disease Sciences, 14(1), 96-99.