Management Of Purple Blotch Of Onion Caused By Alternaria Porri


  • P M Gore Department of Plant Pathology, Dr. P.D.K.V., Akola, Maharashtra, India
  • R W Ingle Department of Plant Pathology, Dr. P.D.K.V., Akola, Maharashtra, India
  • P N Rakhonde Plant Pathology Section, Anand Niketan College of Agriculture, Warora, Dist. Chandrapur, Maharashtra, India



Alternaria porri, Purple blotch, Management, Onion


The purple blotch caused by Alternaria porri is a major onion disease. Certain chemical fungicides were tested in vivo to determine their efficacy against purple blotch. In the field experiment, treatment with bulb dip (Copper oxychloride @ 0.25% + streptomycin @ 200 ppm) + spraying with (Mancozeb @ 0.25% + carbendazim @ 0.1% + copper oxychloride @ 0.25%) treatment recorded lowest per cent disease intensity i.e. 15 % and it showed highest percent disease control i.e. 55.13 %. Maximum seed yield obtained in treatment with bulb dip (Copper oxychloride @ 0.25% + streptomycin 200 ppm) + spraying with (Mancozeb @ 0.25% + carbendazim @ 0.1% + copper oxychloride @ 0.25%) i.e. 1022 kg/ha. 


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How to Cite

Management Of Purple Blotch Of Onion Caused By Alternaria Porri . (2021). Journal of Plant Disease Sciences, 16(1), 47-51.