Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of Two-Phase Sub-Cooled Heat-Pipe at Different Regimes


  • M Elsayed Mechanical Engineering Depart. Higher Technological Institute (HTI), Tenth of Ramadan City 44629, Egypt Author
  • A Abd El Badie Mechanical Engineering Depart. Higher Technological Institute (HTI), Tenth of Ramadan City 44629, Egypt Author
  • M S Mansour Mechanical Engineering Depart. Higher Technological Institute (HTI), Tenth of Ramadan City 44629, Egypt Author
  • M M Abdel Raouf Mechanical Engineering Depart, Faculty of Engineering. City University of Cairo (CUC), New Heliopolis City, Cairo, Egypt. Author
  • M A Eid Mechanical Engineering Depart. Higher Technological Institute (HTI), Tenth of Ramadan City 44629, Egypt Author



Heat-pipe, Sub cooled, Heat Pipe Simulation, transient, Steady-state


The development of novel sub-cooled two-phase thermosyphon or heat-pipe devices is crucial for improving heat transfer efficiency. The properties are analyzed by the application of theoretical modeling and experimental observations of the sub-cooled heat loop during the heating-up, steady-state, and cooling-down stages. The heating rate effectiveness, cooling rate, and evaporator length of the sub-cooled heat-pipe are experimentally examined in the heating-up, steady-state, and cooling-down modes. The dynamic model of the sub-cooled heat-pipe is crucial for several applications including irregular operation in the current practical inquiry. The objective of this research is to develop a theoretical framework that appropriately models the dynamic features of the double-tube evaporator. This will be accomplished by analyzing several transient parameters during the warm-up, steady-state, and cool-down stages of operation. The model accurately replicates the phase and temperature characteristics of a sealed, sub-cooled heat-pipe that contains two distinct phases. The experimental results of the practical arrangement, which utilizes a thermal evaporator wall and a working fluid, exhibit a straightforward exponential pattern. The experimental measurements and theoretical model show a strong agreement.

Author Biography

  • M S Mansour, Mechanical Engineering Depart. Higher Technological Institute (HTI), Tenth of Ramadan City 44629, Egypt

    Mechanical Engineering Depart, Faculty of Engineering. City University of Cairo (CUC), New Heliopolis City, Cairo, Egypt. 


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How to Cite

Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of Two-Phase Sub-Cooled Heat-Pipe at Different Regimes. (2025). Journal of Nuclear Technology in Applied Science, 12(1), 15–26.