Comparison of meat quality attributes of improved native chicken varieties Vanaraja and Indbro with Commercial broiler chicken


  • Sneha Priya S Department of Livestock Products Technology, College of Veterinary Science, Rajendranagar, P V N R Telangana Veterinary University, Hyder abad-500 030
  • Shashi Kumar M Department of Livestock Products Technology, College of Veterinary Science, Rajendranagar, P V N R Telangana Veterinary University, Hyder abad-500 030
  • Muthu Kumar M Department of Livestock Products Technology, College of Veterinary Science, Rajendranagar, P V N R Telangana Veterinary University, Hyder abad-500 030
  • Vijaya Kumar A Department of Livestock Products Technology, College of Veterinary Science, Rajendranagar, P V N R Telangana Veterinary University, Hyder abad-500 030



Meat Quality, Improved native chicken breeds, Commercial broiler chicken, Comparison


There is great demand for native chicken meat due to its unique strong  flavour, firm and hard texture and lower fat content and fetches almost  thrice the price of broiler meat. During the last few years, improved native  chicken varieties are being introduced to meet the demand and the market  share is steadily increasing. The present study was conducted to compare the  carcass characteristics and meat quality attributes of improved native chicken  varieties viz., Vanaraja (dual purpose chicken) and Indbro (slow growing  coloured broiler) with Commercial broilers. In this study, total of 30 birds,  comprising 10 birds each from Vanaraja (56 days old), Indbro (49 days old),  and Commercial broilers (38 days old) at their respective marketable age  were selected for evaluation. Analysis of carcass traits revealed significantly  (P<0.05) higher live wt, dressed carcass wt, and breast yield (% of live wt) for  Commercial broilers compared to Indbro and Vanaraja birds, whereas the  yield of legs, wings, and neck (% of live wt) were higher for Vanaraja birds  compared to other groups of birds. The results of meat quality parameters like  proximate composition revealed significantly (P<0.05) higher % of moisture,  protein, and ash for meat of Vanaraja birds compared to other groups,  whereas fat % was significantly (P<0.05) higher in Commercial broilers.  Significantly (P<0.05) higher redness (a*) values, lower lightness (L*) values,  higher muscle fibre diameter and hydroxyproline content was noticed in  Vanaraja birds compared to other groups. Commercial broiler chicken  meat showed significantly (P<0.05) higher pH, TBARS and water holding  capacity (%) values compared to other groups. Sensory evaluation scores  for cooked breast meat samples revealed comparatively higher appearance,  flavour, juiciness, texture, and overall acceptability scores for Vanaraja and  Indbro birds than Commercial broilers. Shear force values were significantly  (P<0.05) higher for Vanaraja followed by Indbro and then Commercial  broilers. Microbial analysis indicated lower total plate count (TPC), yeast  and mould and psychrotrophic counts for Commercial broilers. The results  of study indicated that though the Commercial broilers have better carcass  traits compared to Vanaraja and Indbro birds, these improved native chicken  varieties have better meat quality attributes and have potential to form a  significant source of chicken with better sensory attributes. 


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How to Cite

S, S. P., M, S. K., M , M. K., & A, V. K. (2023). Comparison of meat quality attributes of improved native chicken varieties Vanaraja and Indbro with Commercial broiler chicken . Journal of Meat Science, 17(2), 51-59.