Ascertaining the refrigerated storage life of wheat bran and grape seed extract enriched meatballs (Goshtaba) under aerobic conditions

Ascertaining the refrigerated storage life


  • Sadiya FVSc & AH, Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Kashmir -190006
  • Sheikh Rafeh Ahmad FVSc & AH, Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Kashmir -190006
  • SA Wani FVSc & AH, Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Kashmir -190006
  • AH Sofi FVSc & AH, Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Kashmir -190006
  • J Farooq FVSc & AH, Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Kashmir -190006
  • AA Khan FVSc & AH, Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Kashmir -190006
  • SA Hussain FVSc & AH, Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Kashmir -190006
  • FA Masoodi Departmenof FST, University of Kashmir, Srinagar - 190006
  • S Irshad FVSc & AH, Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Kashmir -190006
  • T Nazir FVSc & AH, Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Kashmir -190006



Aerobic, Dietary fiber, Goshtaba, Meatballs, Refrigerated storage


Three types of meatballs (Goshtaba) viz. control, dietary fiber (8% hydrated wheat bran) rich and anti-oxidant rich (0.1% grape seed extract) Goshtaba were prepared from good quality mutton, packaged in low density polyethylene pouches (LDPE-200µm gauge) and analyzed during its refrigerated storage (4±1C) to ascertain their aerobic refrigerated storage life. The emulsion stability and cooking yield of the dietary fiber rich product was improved. The pH of dietary fiber rich product increased significantly (P≤0.05), while as that of antioxidant rich Goshtaba decreased significantly (P≤0.05) with the increase in the storage period. The water activity of all the samples showed an increasing trend over the storage period. The microbial parameters (total plate count, psychrophilic count) increased during the storage period, but the values were decreased in the product fortified with grape seed extract (GSE), depicting an anti-microbial effect of GSE. The sensory quality was decreased in all the products with increase in storage life, but the rate of decline was slowest in GSE treated meatballs. It was concluded that the product treated with GSE as anti-oxidant source retained most of the desirable properties during the aerobic refrigerated storage for at least 26 days as against 17 days in case of other products.


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How to Cite

Sajad, S., Ahmad, S. R., Wani, S., Sofi, A., Farooq, J., Khan, A., Hussain, S., Masoodi, F., Irshad, S., & Nazir, T. (2023). Ascertaining the refrigerated storage life of wheat bran and grape seed extract enriched meatballs (Goshtaba) under aerobic conditions: Ascertaining the refrigerated storage life . Journal of Meat Science, 17(2), 60-66.