Potential of Green Gram Flour as an Enrobing Material for Papaya-Pulp Enriched Chicken Nuggets


  • Parveez Ahmad Para Division of LPT, Arawali Veterinary College, Sikar, Rajasthan
  • Sunil Kumar Division of LPT, FVSC & AH, SKUAST-J, R. S. Pura, Jammu
  • Waseem Hussain Raja Division of LPT, Arawali Veterinary College, Sikar, Rajasthan
  • Z.F. Bhat Division of LPT, FVSC & AH, SKUAST-J, R. S. Pura, Jammu
  • Arvind Kumar Division of LPT, FVSC & AH, SKUAST-J, R. S. Pura, Jammu


Chicken sausages, Emulsion pH, Hurdle technology, Textured soya protein


A study was conducted to evaluate the possibility of utilization of green gram flour (GGF) as an enrobing material for papaya pulp-enriched chicken nuggets. GGF was used at two different levels in the batter mix viz. 25 % (w/w) and 35 % (w/w) separately and analyzed for various quality parameters. The products developed were assessed for various physicochemical, proximate and sensory parameters. A significant effect (p< 0.05) was observed on cooking yield, moisture percent, ether extract, ash content and crude fiber content of the products. Significantly (p<0.05) higher cooking yield, ether extract, ash and crude fiber content was observed for the products enrobed with 35 % GGF in comparison to nuggets enrobed with 25 % (w/w) GGF. Non-significant (p> 0.05) change was observed in colour and appearance, juiciness and flavour, however, a significant (p< 0.05) decrease was noted in the scores of texture and overall acceptability with increase in the level of green gram flour in the batter mix. Based on various quality parameters, 25 % level of GGF was optimized as best for enrobing of papaya pulp-enriched chicken nuggets. 


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How to Cite

Para, P. A. ., Kumar, S. ., Raja, W. H. ., Bhat, Z. ., & Kumar, A. . (2015). Potential of Green Gram Flour as an Enrobing Material for Papaya-Pulp Enriched Chicken Nuggets . Journal of Meat Science, 11(1), 50-53. https://acspublisher.com/journals/index.php/jms/article/view/1682