Development of Healthier meat balls using Walnut Kernels and Fat modifications


  • Hafsa Imtiyaz Chisti Division of Livestock Products Technology, F.V.SC & A.H, SKUAST-Kashmir, Shuhama, 190006
  • Sheikh Rafeh Ahmad Division of Livestock Products Technology, F.V.SC & A.H, SKUAST-Kashmir, Shuhama, 190006
  • Asif Hassan Sofi Division of Livestock Products Technology, F.V.SC & A.H, SKUAST-Kashmir, Shuhama, 190006
  • Tarteela Haq Division of Livestock Products Technology, F.V.SC & A.H, SKUAST-Kashmir, Shuhama, 190006
  • Tahir Nazir Division of Livestock Products Technology, F.V.SC & A.H, SKUAST-Kashmir, Shuhama, 190006



Antioxidant activity, TBARS, texture profile, Rista, water activity, meatballs, functional


The current study was aimed at optimizing the amount of fat and walnut kernel content for the production of functional meat balls (locally called as Rista). In the first experiment, different combinations of lean meat, animal fat and vegetable fat (T1 = 90% lean meat: 10% animal fat; T2 = 90% lean meat: 5% animal fat: 5% vegetable fat; T3 = 90% lean meat: 10% vegetable fat) were compared to control (T0 = 80% lean meat: 20% animal fat). Based on physico-chemical, proximate, antioxidant activity parameters and sensory scores, T1 (90% lean meat: 10% animal fat) was found optimum for the formulation of functional meat balls. In the second experiment, walnut kernel paste (WKP) was incorporated at three levels (3, 6 and 9%) replacing lean meat in the formulation of gravy based product. 6% WKP was found optimum for the development of functional meat balls. It was concluded that the formulation containing 84% lean meat, 10% animal fat and 6% walnut kernel paste was suitable for the preparation of functional meat balls.


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How to Cite

Chisti, H. I., Ahmad, S. R. ., Sofi, A. H. ., Haq, T. ., & Nazir, T. (2024). Development of Healthier meat balls using Walnut Kernels and Fat modifications. Journal of Meat Science, 18(2), 60-67.