Extraction And Characterization Of Pig Skin Gelatin Compared To  Commercial Porcine Gelatin


  • Bidyut Prava Mishra Department of Livestock Products Technology, N.T.R. College of Veterinary Sciences, Gannavaram, SVVU, Tirupati, 521101, AP, India
  • Naveena B Maheswarappa Meat Proteomics Lab, ICAR-National Meat Research Institute, Chengicherla, Hyderabad, 500092, Telangana, India
  • B Eswara Rao Department of Livestock Products Technology, N.T.R. College of Veterinary Sciences, Gannavaram, SVVU, Tirupati, 521101, AP, India
  • Rituparna Banerjee Meat Proteomics Lab, ICAR-National Meat Research Institute, Chengicherla, Hyderabad, 500092, Telangana, India
  • E Naga Mallika Department of Livestock Products Technology, N.T.R. College of Veterinary Sciences, Gannavaram, SVVU, Tirupati, 521101, AP, India
  • T Srinivasa Rao Department of Veterinary Public Health and Epidemiology, N.T.R College of Veterinary Sciences, Gannavaram, Tirupati, 521101, AP, India
  • D Narendra Nath Department of Poultry Science, N.T.R College of Veterinary Sciences, Gannavaram, SVVU, Tirupati, 521101, AP, India
  • M G Prasad Meat Proteomics Lab, ICAR-National Meat Research Institute, Chengicherla, Hyderabad, 500092, Telangana, India
  • Balaji M Belore Meat Proteomics Lab, ICAR-National Meat Research Institute, Chengicherla, Hyderabad, 500092, Telangana, India
  • Sowmya Dasoja Meat Proteomics Lab, ICAR-National Meat Research Institute, Chengicherla, Hyderabad, 500092, Telangana, India
  • T Mounika Meat Proteomics Lab, ICAR-National Meat Research Institute, Chengicherla, Hyderabad, 500092, Telangana, India
  • P Sowmya Reddy Meat Proteomics Lab, ICAR-National Meat Research Institute, Chengicherla, Hyderabad, 500092, Telangana, India
  • Judy Lalthanmawii Meat Proteomics Lab, ICAR-National Meat Research Institute, Chengicherla, Hyderabad, 500092, Telangana, India
  • Prasana Kumar Rath Department of Veterinary Pathology, College of Veterinary Science & Animal Husbandry, OUAT, Bhubaneswar, 751003, Odisha, India




Gelatin, Pig skin, Hydroxyproline content, Proximate composition, Colour


A study was conducted to extract gelatin from pig skin and to evaluate and compare its physicochemical properties with those of commercial porcine gelatin. Whitish yellow-colored gelatin powder was extracted from pig skin through acetic acid pre-treatment, heating, filltration and drying steps. The average yield of pig skin gelatin (PSG) was 5.98 % (w/w). The protein, moisture, fat and ash content of PSG were 90.24, 8.13, 0.60 and 0. 56 %, respectively. The gel (6.67%) prepared from PSG showed a transmittance of 24.71 % and a pH of 6.45. The electrophoretic pattern of the gelatin samples showed the presence of both α1 and α2 chains with the highest molecular weight band observed at around ~ 200 kDa.  The L*, a*, and b* values of PSG were recorded as 79.28, 0.58 and 5.79, respectively. Compared to commercial porcine gelatin, PSG had lower hydroxyproline content but a higher pH (p < 0.05) value. Our findings suggest that good quality gelatin with optimal properties can be extracted from low-value pig skin which can provide a suitable alternative to traditional gelatin derived from pork bones or beef bones and skin.


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How to Cite

Mishra, B. P., Maheswarappa, N. B., Rao, B. E., Banerjee, R., Mallika, E. N., Rao, T. S., Nath, D. N., Prasad, M. G., Belore, B. M., Dasoja, S., Mounika, T., Reddy, P. S., Lalthanmawii, J., & Rath, P. K. (2023). Extraction And Characterization Of Pig Skin Gelatin Compared To  Commercial Porcine Gelatin. Journal of Meat Science, 18(1), 36-42. https://doi.org/10.48165/jms.2023.180106