Participation of Rural Women in Production and Processing Activities of boro Rice Cultivation in Jashore District


  • Subarna Sarker Agrotechnology Discipline, Khulna University, Khulna-9208, Bangladesh
  • Mohammad Bashir Ahmed Agrotechnology Discipline, Khulna University, Khulna-9208, Bangladesh
  • Md. Sarwar Jahan Agrotechnology Discipline, Khulna University, Khulna-9208, Bangladesh
  • Manas Mohan Adhikary Professor (Retd), Agricultural Extension, BCKV, Mohanpur, Nadia, West Bengal, India
  • Md. Ruhul Amin Department of Agricultural Extension Education, Sylhet Agricultural University, Sylhet, Bangladesh



Participation, rural women, production, processing, boro rice


Agriculture was introduced in the hand of women. Women’s role is confined mostly to processing activities and they are ignored in the case of production activities. The study was conducted to determine the extent of participation in the production and processing activities of boro rice by the rural women in Mangalkot union of Jashsore district of Bangladesh. Data were collected on the participation of rural women in production and processing activities of boro rice cultivation along with their selected characteristics from randomly selected 116 rural women during April -May 2017 by using an interview schedule through personal interview. The majority (63.8%) of the respondents participated in production activities while most (89.7%) of them participated in processing activities of boro rice cultivation to a different extent. But 36.2% and 10.3% of them did not participate in the production and processing activities of boro rice cultivation respectively. The participation of rural women was significantly higher in processing activities than that of production activities (t=0.024**). Among 15 (6 productions + 9 processing) activities, the women participated to the highest extent in cleaning followed by boiling and drying, while it was least in the case of irrigation. Among twelve characteristics of the respondents, only farm size and annual family income showed a significant negative relationship with their extent of participation in production activities while farm size, annual family income, and cosmopoliteness showed similar relationships with participation in processing activities. Besides, organizational participation showed a significant positive relationship with their extent of participation in both production and processing activities. Similar results were also found in the case of overall participation. The participation of rural women should be encouraged in the case of production activities through different motivational activities.


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How to Cite

Sarker, S. ., Ahmed, M. B. ., Jahan, M. S., Adhikary, M. M. ., & Amin, . M. R. . (2021). Participation of Rural Women in Production and Processing Activities of boro Rice Cultivation in Jashore District. Journal of Extension Systems, 37(2), 11-19.