Process of Advancement of Loan and its Adoption in Faizabad district Of Uttar Pradesh.


  • Rohit Jaiswal Research scholar, Department of Extension Education, N.D.U.A.T., Faizabad,
  • Sunil Kumar Assistant Professor Department of Agriculture, IIAST, Integral University, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India
  • Anjali Verma Institute of Agricultural Sciences Department of Agricultural Extension, Bundelkhand University Jhansi 284128 (U.P.)



Bank credit, Adoption, Extension policy, Agriculture


Agriculture sector provides employment to nearly 52% of the work force. Lead Bank is a  unique model formulated by the RBI to reduce regional and sectorial imbalances existing in  the economy in terms of loan advancement. The present study was conducted in Masodha  block of Faizabad district (U.P.) on100 beneficiaries selected through proportionate sampling  from five sample villages on the basis of majority of beneficiaries. The respondents were  contacted personally for data collection and interviewed with structured schedule. The impact  of government sponsored scheme on beneficiaries before and after utilizing the bank credit  in terms of income, asset and employment generation was examined and evaluated. The  finding shows that out of 17 variables like age, education, extent of contact, risk orientation  and knowledge extent of process of loan had highly significant and positive correlation with  adoption of process of advancement of loan. The findings of the study are eye opener for  extension policy makers and government to frame suitable policy for upliftment of rural  people.


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How to Cite

Jaiswal, R. ., Kumar, S. ., & Verma, A. . (2020). Process of Advancement of Loan and its Adoption in Faizabad district Of Uttar Pradesh. Journal of Extension Systems, 36(1), 43-45.