Educational Environment in Agricultural Colleges from Maharashtra


  • S.S. Mane Associate Professor, Agricultural Extension and Communication, School of Agril. Sciences, G H Raisoni University, Saikheda, Madhya Pradesh, India
  • M.C. Ahire Head, Department of Agril. Extension and Communication, Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri, Maharashtra, India
  • S.B. Agale Junior Research Assistant, Agril. Tech. School, Dhule, Maharashtra, India



Educational environment, Agricultural colleges


Educational environment refers to the physical, social, biological and artificial surroundings  provided by the agricultural college so as to fulfill requirements of the students during their  B.Sc. Agri. Degree. The study was undertaken to know the status of educational environment  in affiliated agricultural colleges in comparison with constituent agricultural colleges from the  state of Maharashtra. An educational environment was measured with the help of a three point continuum scale developed by Tarde (2002) and Thoke (2011) with some additions. It  was observed that, two third of affiliated agricultural colleges were having ‘fair’ educational  environment followed. As regards to the constituent agricultural colleges, the majority of  constituent agricultural colleges were having ‘fair’ educational environment. There was no  constituent college in the category of ‘poor’ educational environment. Correlation analysis  showed that, there was a positive association between educational environment and overall  performance of the both types of agricultural colleges. However, the difference between  educational environment of affiliated and constituent colleges was found to be non-significant.


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How to Cite

Mane, S. ., Ahire, M. ., & Agale, S. . (2020). Educational Environment in Agricultural Colleges from Maharashtra. Journal of Extension Systems, 36(1), 29-31.