Association Between Personal Attributes with Level of Knowledge and Extent of Adoption about Improved Animal Husbandry Practices


  • D. K. Meena Assistant Professor, College of Agriculture, Bharatpur, SKNAU, Jobner
  • Rati Mukteswar Assistant Professor, CCSHAU, Hisar
  • R.K. Meena Assistant Professor, College of Agriculture, Bharatpur, SKNAU, Jobner
  • V.S. Meena Assistant Professor, College of Agriculture, Bharatpur, SKNAU, Jobner
  • N.C. Pant Assistant Professor, College of Agriculture, Bharatpur, SKNAU, Jobner



Animal husbandry, adoption, Knowledge, personal attributes


The present investigation was concerned with Uttari Rajasthan Sahkari Dugdh Utpadak  Sangh Limited (URMUL) Bikaner of Rajasthan to find out the adoption of improved animal  husbandry practices by the farmer. URMUL dairy Bikaner rank sixth in terms of milk  collecting union and consist of 32 milk procurement routes, out of which eight routes and  one dairy cooperative society were selected on the basis of highest milk collection routes. The  information was gleaned from 160 respondents i.e., 80 members and 80 non-members by  applying random techniques. There was significant association between different variable viz.,  age, education, size of land holding, family type and family size with knowledge level as well  as extent of adoption of member, non-member and overall respondents. Personal attribute  of respondents like caste had no association with knowledge level and extent of adoption in  Bikaner of Rajasthan.


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How to Cite

Meena, D. K. ., Mukteswar, R. ., Meena, R. ., Meena, V. ., & Pant, . N. . (2020). Association Between Personal Attributes with Level of Knowledge and Extent of Adoption about Improved Animal Husbandry Practices. Journal of Extension Systems, 36(2), 70-74.