Overview of Design and Implementation of Library Circulation Model: A Case of Lagos State University Library


  • Olafimiham Cecilia Oyebola Lagos State University Library, Lagos State, Nigeria
  • Atanda, Luqman Ayanlola University Library, Federal University Otuoke, Byaelsa State, Nigeria
  • (CLN) and Ekeh, Esther Motunrayo (CLN) Lagos State University Library, Lagos State, Nigeria




Information system, Designed library circulation model, Architectural design, Circulation unit


The beauty of Library operations is not only in the ability to provide needed and useful  materials containing information for the community, but also to be able to make them  accessible to the clientele as and when needed, which is what circulation is all about. The  objectives of the study were, to analyse the existing information system in LASU Library  circulation section, design an information model for circulation section of LASU Library, and  implementation of the designed library circulation model. The implementation tools used  were, HTML (the Hypertext Mark-up Language), CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), Java Script,  Jquery, and Mongodb. The architectural design used was the unified modelling language  (UML) which is a general-purpose modelling language in the field of software engineering  and provide a standard way to visualize the design of a system. The model will increase the  effectiveness and efficiency of the activities carried out at the circulation unit of LASU Library.  At the end of the study, recommendations are provided for the smooth run of the designed  circulation model.


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How to Cite

Oyebola, O. C. ., Ayanlola, A. L. ., & Motunrayo (CLN), . (CLN) and E. E. . (2020). Overview of Design and Implementation of Library Circulation Model: A Case of Lagos State University Library. Journal of Extension Systems, 36(2), 33-45. https://doi.org/10.48165/JES.2020.36207