Development of Web Based Analysis Tool for Augmented Randomized Complete Block Design (ARCBD)


  • Vinay Kumar Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics CCS HAU, Hisar-125004
  • Sarita Rani Assistant Professor,Department of Mathematics and Statistics CCS HAU, Hisar-125004
  • Ram Niwas Assistant Professor,Department of Mathematics and Statistics CCS HAU, Hisar-125004
  • O.P. Sheoran Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics CCS HAU, Hisar-125004
  • Komal Malik Assistant Professor, Govt. College Nalwa, Hisar-125004



Block design, Augmented Design, Fixed effect model, Random effect model


In biological and field experiments, the Augmented Randomized Complete Block Design  (ARCBD) is widely used for screening and selection of a large number of germplasm lines/ varieties/entries/test treatments with non replicated test treatments and replicated control  treatments to estimate the experimental error. A web based online module for analysis of  ARCBD was developed using scripting language Active Server Pages (ASP) based on server  client architecture. The data have been taken from Federer (1956) and output compared  accordingly. The outputs produced by the module are in agreement with the output generated  from SAS package. An attempt was made to provide a user friendly interface for entering/ pasting the data, characters names, number of observations and number of characters for  analysis of augmented randomized complete block design. The module produces different  output tables such as check x block table, block effects, control means and control effects,  adjusted mean for test genotypes and genotypic effects. It also computes sum of squares in  the analysis of variance tables after ignoring/eliminating treatment and eliminating/ignoring  blocks for block and treatment effects, respectively. Critical difference table for comparing  different mean differences at 5% and 1% level of significance is also given. A complete  procedure is also provided in the help file to make a user friendly interface for analysis of the  design.


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How to Cite

Kumar, V. ., Rani, S. ., Niwas, R. ., Sheoran, O. ., & Malik, K. . (2020). Development of Web Based Analysis Tool for Augmented Randomized Complete Block Design (ARCBD). Journal of Extension Systems, 36(2), 28-32.