Knowledge Level and Constraints in Adopting the Recommended Mitigation Strategies on Climate Change in Haryana


  • Dilip S. Ph.D. Scholar, Dept. of Extension Education, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar
  • Joginder Singh Malik Professor, Dept. of Extension Education, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar
  • R.N. Sheokand Assistant Professor, Dept. of Maths and Statistics, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar
  • Poonam Mor Assistant Professor, Deptt. of Languages and Haryanvi Culture , CCSHAU, Hisar



Agro-met Advisory Services, Climate change, Agriculture


The greatest influencer of agricultural productivity is the weather. Climate is typically  defined as the normal weather, or more precisely, as the statistical explanation of important  parameters in relations of the mean and variability over time scales extending from months  to thousands or millions of years. Agriculture in India, as well as the respite of the world, is  mostly reliant on the weather. Global warming has had an important impact on agriculture  and its output. The shift in growing seasons and changes in agricultural zones have been  exacerbated by rising temperatures. Changes in rainfall patterns, on the other hand, pose  a severe threat to agriculture, affecting the country’s economy and food security. The sale of  agricultural products such as fertilizers, agro-chemicals and tractors are also affected by the  delayed or insufficient monsoons. As a result, the farmer’s income is impacted. The present  study conducted during 2020-21 focuses on Knowledge level farmers on climate change and  constraint experienced by the farmers in adopting recommended mitigation strategies in  Hisar district. The majority of beneficiary farmers (48.89 per cent) had high knowledge level  on Agro-met Advisory Services whereas majority of non-beneficiary farmers (67.76 per cent)  had low knowledge level on Agro-met Advisory Services. Lack of technical skills and capacities  for technology adoption, lack of awareness and sensitization about the creation and use of  new technologies, non-availability of timely inputs, and lack of information about long-term  mitigation strategies were the major constraints.


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How to Cite

S., D. ., Malik, J. S. ., Sheokand, R. ., & Mor, P. . (2020). Knowledge Level and Constraints in Adopting the Recommended Mitigation Strategies on Climate Change in Haryana. Journal of Extension Systems, 36(2), 7-11.