Effect of Mother’s Employment on Aggression of Board Students


  • Prachi Bhatt Deolal Research Scholar, Psychology, Kumaun University
  • Prof Madhu Lata Nayal HOD, Department of Psychology, SSJU, Almora




Aggression, Mother, Adolescents


The present study aimed to find out the difference in the aggression level of Board  Students of employed and non-employed mothers. Total sample of 200 students  was taken from five CBSE affiliated schools of Pithoragarh district (Uttarakhand).  Personal data schedule along with the Aggression Scale was used to calculate  the result. Aggression Scale used in the study was developed by Pal and Naqvi  (2000) which comprised of 60 questions. Stratified Random Sampling was used to  select the data and t-test was applied to calculate the level of significance. While  compiling the results, significant difference was found between the male and female  adolescents of 10th standard of employed mothers and even between the male  and female adolescents of 12th standard of employed mothers. Male and female  adolescents of 12th standard of non-employed mother have also shown significant  difference on the level of aggression. In all the three cases Male adolescents have  shown greater aggression than female adolescents.


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How to Cite

Deolal, P. B. ., & Nayal, P. M. L. . (2021). Effect of Mother’s Employment on Aggression of Board Students. Journal of Extension Systems, 37(1), 67-71. https://doi.org/10.48165/JES.2021.37110