Use of library catalogue at Jamia Hamdard and Jamia Milia Islamia, Delhi: a comparative study


  • Rajinder Kumar Assistant Librarian, Nehru Library, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar



Technology, Libraries, Catalogue, Publisher, Services


The present study describes the comparison on use of online public access catalogue  at Jamia Hamdard and Jamia Milia Islamia, Delhi. In this study survey method was  adopted to collect the data from the users. The data revealed that the maximum  number of 36.6% users visited the library biweekly, 33.0% users spent their time  more than one hour in the library for using library facilities in a day, 43.1% users  searched their required information s the help of OPAC system, 38.5% users learnt  the use of OPAC with the help of library staff, 36.0% users most of times obtained  their searched documents on the shelves after searching of OPAC, 33.8% users  faced problems of less awareness of OPAC system and 36.0% users were satisfied  with the present OPAC searching facility in both the university libraries of Jamia  Hamdard and Jamia Milia Islamia.


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How to Cite

Kumar, R. . (2021). Use of library catalogue at Jamia Hamdard and Jamia Milia Islamia, Delhi: a comparative study. Journal of Extension Systems, 37(1), 45-53.