Tree Cover: Bulwarks against Fury of the Nature


  • O S Verma Chairman, ESFI, Mumbai



Over 30 per cent Indians now live in cities. In the next 15  years, over 20 per cent more are likely to be added. Cities  will thus be most impacted by the bulwarks against fury  of the nature. More we remove of urban nature, the more  we need these bulwarks. Green Spaces, water bodies, and  trees are the bulwarks. They provide shelters to the urban  poors and cool the environmental heat. Unprivileged and  migrant workers do not have home of their own. They seek  refuge under the trees. The trees are thus the panacea of  defensive wall against vagaries of the nature. Trees cover,  however, is rapidly disappearing at the cost of building  cities and making way for Agriculture to expand crop lands. Deforestation is a global concerns and not many  countries including India are making concerted efforts to  protect forest and plant more trees.


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How to Cite

Verma, O. S. . (2021). Tree Cover: Bulwarks against Fury of the Nature. Journal of Extension Systems, 37(1), 43.