Availing Technological Options for Small holder Farmers: The case of Improved Finger millet Variety Demonstration in selected Districts of East Wallaga and Buno Badalle Zones


  • Berhanu Soboka Oromia Agricultural Research Institute (OARI), Bako Agricultural Research Center, PO Box 03, West Shewa, Ethiopia
  • Efa waltaji Oromia Agricultural Research Institute (OARI), Bako Agricultural Research Center, PO Box 03, West Shewa, Ethiopia




Bako-09, Kumsa, Participatory evaluation, Technology index, technology gap, variety


The new variety was ranked first on the basis these criteria and was selected as the  first option for future use by the farmers. An independent sample t-test was used  to analyze quantitative data. The mean grain yield performance of the varieties (qt  ha-1) was 27.45±1.10 for Kumsa and 22.82±1.3 for Bako-09, respectively which  is statistically significant (p<0.01). The new variety, accordingly exhibited a yield  advantage of 20.29% over the standard check. The technology gap and technology  index, respectively for Kumsa (4.55 qt, 14.22%) compared to that of Bako-09(6.98 qt, 23.42%) reveal more stability and feasibility of the new variety to the farmers. The  financial analysis also revealed that the net gain (36612.8 ETB ha-1) was higher for  Kumsa than for Bako-09(28.122.5 ETB ha-1) witnessing more profitability of the new  variety. The new variety, has consequently, met the farmers demand both in terms  of qualitative and quantitative traits including financial benefits than the standard  check. This calls for wider dissemination of the variety with its full package to the  farmers in the study area and with similar agro-ecological 


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How to Cite

Soboka, B. ., & waltaji, E. . (2021). Availing Technological Options for Small holder Farmers: The case of Improved Finger millet Variety Demonstration in selected Districts of East Wallaga and Buno Badalle Zones. Journal of Extension Systems, 37(1), 35-42. https://doi.org/10.48165/JES.2021.37105