Initiatives of Skills University and significance for youth empowerment in India


  • Rubina Parveen Principal Government ITI for Women, Kalaburagi



Skills University, Bachelor of Vacation, Bachelor of Skills, Masters of Vacation, Masters of Skills, National Council for Vocational Education and Training, Sector Skill Councils, Vocational Education and Training, National Education Policy, On Job Training


India can become a major skilled youth workforce provider catering to global  needs and its own needs. In past, education and skilling stand as parallel and  independent streams. Need based frame work has to be developed to upgrade skill  education to global standards by working in the lines of Government of India`s  Skill Mission. This study analyses how promoting excellence in Skill Education in  close association with industry, and boost economic status of youth by enhancing  employability or establish as an entrepreneur. So, setting up skills universities  will address the challenge of student mobilization through National Standard  Qualification Framework. A skills university must have the dynamism to follow  a demand-driven model following the work-integrated training model or the  institutional model or a combination of both. Findings provide a unique insight into  the requirement of Skills University. Findings highlights that Skills University can  emerge as one of the common platform to provide skilled manpower by imparting  quality skill education and bridging the gap between demand and supply of skill  acknowledged by industry, globally. Skills University promotes academic growth  by offering certificates/ Diploma/ state of the art graduate / under graduate cources  for connecting the supply of skilled human resources based on regional demands.


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How to Cite

Parveen, R. . (2021). Initiatives of Skills University and significance for youth empowerment in India. Journal of Extension Systems, 37(1), 1-7.