Need for Appropriate Extension Strategy for Sustainable Innovative Approaches with Global Health


  • Manas Mohan Adhikary Professor (Retd), Agricultural Extension & Former Vice-Chancellor, BCKV, West Bengal



Ecological agriculture, Human health, Plant nutrition, Sustainable agriculture, Environmental degradation, Extension strategy, Farmers functionary research


As an aftermath of the green revolution supported by advanced agricultural sciences, the increasing gulf between production and an understanding of basic ecological relationships has coincided with the increased use of external inputs, development of crop species with low susceptibility to pests,  dependency on large amounts of water and other scarce natural resources which have extremely contributed to the degradation of the environment and sustainable agricultural system, production of unsafe food and ultimately deterioration of human and animal health. Globally, the bigger issues of health challenges are purely linked to the current state of agriculture. To cope with these challenges the ecologically-based agriculture is continuously showing its’ potential to many around the world. Ecological agriculture is all about understanding the conditions leading to sustainable, productive agriculture that has a harmonious environmental impact. To build the ecologically sustainable agricultural system the enormous health threats related to the use of inorganic pesticides, fertilizers, and herbicides in agriculture would be taken into considerations. It requires the shift to low input systems and the use of organic manure and ecological pest management which have a considerable positive effect on human health. The present paper is based on the exploratory type of research which appropriately addresses the issues to improve human health through proper natural resource management and maintenance of ecosystem health with the help of advanced extension strategies. It is worthwhile to mention that the farmer functionary research, an innovative methodology of technology transfer can help to manage the crop ecosystem and to promote a sustainable agricultural system without hampering human health.


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How to Cite

Adhikary, M. M. (2022). Need for Appropriate Extension Strategy for Sustainable Innovative Approaches with Global Health. Journal of Extension Systems, 38(1), 7-10.